Beauty and elegance in every environment, as sculptures change houses
Since the dawn of time the sculptures adorn people’s homes, initially as "idols", then as art and imitating nature, up to modern sculptures, marble, porcelain, ceramic, abstract and contemporary.
We made a selection of original and bright sculptures, ideal as ornaments to give a touch of class and sophistication to your home.
Browse the online catalog and imagine where to place the one you like best!
Sculpture has always been the art of giving shape to an object starting from a raw material, to work it reaching the desired shape. Sculptures through the centuries have been considered by many, such as Verrocchio, the most complete artistic form, since, if performed in the round, allows a 360° look (as opposed to painting) and artists like Michelangelo, Rodin or Canova, celebrated their time in the Imperial or Lordly courts, giving life to eternal masterpieces.
Nowadays you can decorate any room with beautiful high quality sculptures, for all the economic needs and for every style. Among our online showcases there is the Spanish brand Lladrò, specialized in luxurious handmade porcelain figurines production, a "unicuum" of the 21st century.
Choose classic sculptures for a quiet and soft environment, search among the most colorful, eclectic and original to create points of interest and fascinate guests. Contact us for any information on safe shipping or for advice on how to insert these items in your furniture, we will respond quickly, in a precise and timely, as your personal shopper online!
Armando Poggi, the Florentine lifestyle.